
Sadheerth's sister got first rank in Civil Service Examinations 2012

We are glad to inform all that  Ms. Haritha V Kumar, elder sister of Mr. Sadheerth V. Kumar ( B.Tech CSE student - 2008-2012 batch ) got the first rank in the Civil service examinations 2012.

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Dr. Mansoor Allichery has joined the CSE Department

Dr. Mansoor Allichery ( PhD from Columbia University , USA, M.E  Gold Medalist, IISc Bangalore )  has joined the CSE department as Adjunct Associate Professor. His areas of research include Cloud Computing and Computer Networks.


Please click here for his details

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Dipanjan Saha wins All India Inter NIT Men's Badminton ( Singles) Championship


Mr. Dipanjan Saha of second semester MCA has won the All India Inter NIT Men's Badminton ( Singles) Championship.  The tournament was held at NIT Surat during March 2013. 
Hearty congratulations, Dipanjan!!!

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K A Abdul Nazeer instated as Associate Dean of NITC

K A Abdul Nazeer, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science has been instated as the Associate Dean (Academics) of National Institute of Technolog Calicut. He will be assisting Dr. V K Govindan, Dean, NITC in the academic matters of the institute.

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Sreejith Alathur and Gopakumar G, faculty of CSED get PhD

Dr. G. Gopakumar got Phd from University of Kerala. The title of his PhD thesis is STUDIES INTO FRACTALITY OF BIO SEQUENCES. He did his PhD  dissertation work in the Department of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at University of Kerala under the supervision of Dr. Achuthsankar S Nair. 

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DAAD WISE Scholarship and IAS Summer Research Fellowships


Hearty Congratulations to the B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering students who bagged the prestigious internship offers.

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Viterbi-India Program Award from University of Southern California to Mr. Ayush Jaiswal

Mr. Aysh Jaiswal ( sixth semester B.Tech CSE student) has been  selected for research internship at the Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California for a period of 8 weeks (during our summer vacation) through the Viterbi-India 2013 Program. Twenty students have been selected for this program from all over India. Here is the list of selected students:

Talk on "Turing and Morphogenesis: Art, Pattern & Complexity"

Poster of the Talk

NIT Calicut ACM Student Chapter and Computer Science & Engineering Association, NIT Calicut is jointly conducting a talk on "Turing and Morphogenesis Art, Pattern and Complexity" which shall be delivered by Mr. Gopakumar G, Asst. Professor, CSED, NITC, on the 27th of December 2012, 4:00 PM at CSED Seminar Hall.

Ad-hoc Faculty Positions

A few ad-hoc faculty positions are available in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Calicut. The minimum eligibility for an ad hoc faculty member is First Class MTech in CSE/IT, from a reputed Institute. Candidates will be given a consolidated salary Rs.35,000/- per month.

Being an institute of National importance, NIT Calicut provides the faculty members, an opportunity to utilize the rich academic resources of NIT Calicut and gives them the unparalleled experience of teaching the best UG students of the country, admitted through JEE.

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