
BTech - Computer Science and Engineering

Academic Year
Average Salary
2014-2015 90 8.5
2013-2014 95 8.8

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Major Areas of Research

Algorithms and Complexity

Graph Algorithms, Complexity of Security Models and Verification, String Algorithms.


Algorithms for Sequence Alignment, Data and Text Mining for Bioinformatics.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Security, Cloud Databases, BigData Analysis

Compilers and Programming languages

Program Analysis and Transformation.

Computer Architecture

Simulators for High Performance Machines, Power Efficient Caches.

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MTech Programme in Computer Science and Engineering

The two-year post graduate programme in Computer Science and Engineering is intended to train the students in both advanced areas in the core courses and specialized topics in the emerging technology fronts. Courses offered include Algorithms and Complexity, Compiler Design, Foundations of Information Security, Distributed Computing and Pattern Recognition.The project work in the final year is intended to equip the students to go deeper into her/his area of specialization. The curriculum is organized with few core courses and many electives to give the students enough choice.

2 years
Present Intake: 

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